Golden Temple Corridors
Site Development And Landscape Of Golden Temple, Amritsar
Amritsar city in Punjab dates back in history over four hundred years. This city is known more for the world famous Golden Temple which is also known as Darbar Sahib or Harmandir Sahib which literary means “the abode of God”. The construction of temple was began by guru Ram Das, the fourth Sikh guru and completed by his successor guru Arjan Dev in 1604. Guru Arjan Dev also completed the Adi granth, the holy scripture of Sikhism and installed it in the Temple in 1634. The existing Golden Temple was rebuilt in 1764 by Maharaja Jassa Singh Ahluwalia (1718-1783). Maharaja Ranjeet Singh (1802-1830) covered the dome and upper structure with gold plating, hence the name Golden Temple and added marble flooring to the complex.
The Golden Temple stands as one of the most visited tourist attractions in the city of Amritsar. The Temple is visited by travelers and the devotees from various parts of the world.
In 1984 Operation “Blue Star” and in 1986 operation “Black Thunder” inflicted much loss to Golden Temple and its surroundings.
In order to make for the loss the government undertook the development of the area around the Golden Temple. This area is the oldest part of the city and area is very congested with the lanes which are hardly four to five feet wide and the roads eight to nine feet wide. The roads have mixed commercial shops on either side. Besides the visual disorder the overbuilt areas poses problems of traffic, transportation and hygiene.
In order to make for loss the Central Government’s idea to clear and redevelop the area offered tremendous possibilities of improving the environment in the area. This development work was seen as an opportunity for upgrading the deficient services in the area such as non - functional sewerage system, lack of existing storm water drainage which led to frequent flooding of the area during rainy seasons. Overhead electrical and telephone services were re-laid and existing ones improved. Addition of a new twenty two feet wide ring road was introduced to improve the fire engine accessibility to the surrounding areas and the Golden Temple itself. Proper linkages of the service facilities of the temple and various entrances were integrated with the existing street structure. Because of large number of people visiting the temple in a single day, numbers of toilet blocks with bathrooms have been constructed around the area. More than three hundred parking spaces for cars, scooters, and bicycles have been carved out along the ring road wherever spaces were available.
Additional facilities like shops, lockers, etc. have been incorporated in the development.
Fifteen acres of development area has varied space structure for recreation, social and religious interaction. Large open areas with generous use of plant material such as trees, shrubs, ground covers etc. have been incorporated in the project. Use of water in the form of cascade, fountains and reflecting pools has been used to create a pleasant environment for the people living in the city of Amritsar which otherwise is lacking in meaningful open spaces.
Since the past decade we have been working on the landscaping of the golden temple,Amritsar and improving its surroundings .The complex is spread over 15 acres of land and we have created a ring road of sorts around to facilitate the parikrima and allow for basic amenities and emergency provisions for thousands of pilgrims who throng the temple daily.

Golden Temple Corridors

Golden Temple Corridors

Golden Temple Corridors

Golden Temple Corridors

Golden Temple Corridors